

In the following sections you can check out my projects. The projects are starting from the lastest which is the recipe app built with Spoonacular API. The rest of the projects were part of my final projects for different SheCodes workshops starting from React desktop weather and dictionary app continuing to Vanilla JavaScript weather app, ending with basic ballet homepage.

Check it out

Recipes App

Deskop recipe app is my ongoing project. The app was built with React, MUI and React Router and it is responsive. The app incorporates Spoonacular API which enables real time recipes data and meal planing based on calories.


Dictionary App

Deskop dictionary app as a final project for the SheCodes React workshop. The app was built with React and it is responsive. The app incorporates Dictionary API and Pexels API which enables real time data.


Weather App - React

Deskop weather app as one of the projects for the SheCodes React workshop. The app was built with React and it is responsive. The app incorporates OpenWeather API which enables real time weather data.


Weather App

Deskop weather app as a final project for the SheCodes Plus workshop. The app was built with Vanilla JavaScript and it is responsive. The app incorporates OpenWeather API which enables real time weather data.

Dance school homepage

This was my first project for the SheCodes Bacis workshop. It was a homepage for a dance school built by using some basic skills.


Have some projects in mind?